Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

I think there’s a good chance Wind is telling the truth and that someone took Blizers card and held onto in which case I’d prefer to vote someone who didn’t do challenges like Zone or who is not sac like Trochi. Anyone around to discuss?

im here, im voting Troch atm

Imo, i wanna see the votes for phase 2 and where people voted

i just wanna find Sac basically

I’m kind of at the “just don’t hit Sac” point.

Also I believe Zone and he seems to not mind dying so I wouldn’t mind going there as well

Do you believe Wind? I think I do but I’ll believe them a lot more if no one 2nd phase outs they traded sac last second

Wind is in my dont vote pile for this phase simply cause he could be lying

im not gonna take a stance on whether i believe it or not, cause at the end, the simply claim of him being involved in that second trade means im not touching him with a ten foot pole

Yep. As long as you remember my wish.

If you don’t want to die I’m also fine keeping you alive but if you legitimately don’t care that’s good to know

Afternoon, everyone. I will be here for about 10 minutes.

A reminder that I do not care about the Main Games particularly, and my sole aim is to defeat the Mastermind, so if you have any information regarding that, I would greatly appreciate it.

I mean, I already kept mentioning how I’m no different than gorta 2.0 given my inactivity.

My sole ability is a 100% steal; dunno how that’s helpful at all.

Aside from being used for political reasons, there really is not many reasons to keep me alive.

In the first place, all I wanted to do ever since I crafted my own molotov was to burn something or someone.

  • I thought of burning the Lucky Flower because of paranoia, but apparently there was no side-effects.
  • I thought of burning Marl’s cabin, but apparently we can’t murder without enough murderous intent.
  • I wanted to burn down the Graveyard in CH3, but then world-within-worlds shenanigans happened and made the Graveyard disappear.

So… what am I even useful for at this point?

I kinda wanna see what happens if Ici gets voted out lol

do you seriously think voting out an invincible player with the sole goal of defeating the Mastermind is a good idea

Good idea? Idk

Funny? Most definitely


Anyway, do you have any information that could help me defeat the Mastermind?

I think killing Trochi is… an idea that I’m slightly opposed to? Mostly because they’re definitely not the Mastermind, and I’d rather keep non-Masterminds around for longer.

What do you mean by defeat? Do you have to expose them at the end cuz I thought all of us had to do that

Or do you have to have them die?

Well, the difference is that i can’t win through Sacrifice or any other method of leaving the simulation early. In exchange, I can never die.

There are only two ways for me to defeat the Mastermind:

  • Expose them like everyone else.
  • Find a secret fourth way to terminate the simulation that Mamoru spoke of before he died.


If it matters the Taser I found is yellow so it’s related to lore