Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

lmao fuckin. rip

Thanks dad

Oy not cool host man

i’m sorry what

“All unvoted votes will now be randomised.”

wait what

oh wtf

why did y’all quickhammer me already smh

that’s bad, we have a keymaster in the pool


Oh no!

The man bursts out laughing. “Sorry, sorry. I had to do that. I was merely baiting you all into placing a vote since after you place one vote, you can’t unvote afterwards! Meaning I’m not forced to randomise your votes. Continue your discussion.” (any lock votes placed will not count as locked ofc)



Insert the don’t do that don’t give me hope meme

wait regular votes got locked but lockvotes did not?

we should vote marshal since he isn’t the sacrifice

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no don’t
i have a theory

I agree

No. What I stated was “I merely don’t want to have to randomise votes”. No votes you placed are locked but you just simply can’t not vote now.

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Imma eat fooid