Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

marshal what happened to your WIM being sunk :thinking:

i am here to siphon cat pictues for information that won’t benefit me

your information is wrong
i have confirmation that arctic isn’t the MM

i’ll show people post trial
i found some documents last chapter that i’ve been keeping to myself
i went to the patio before anyone else and hid them

i think they’re relevant now though

if i die they are stashed in my dorm

Fear Her

two cat for price of one cat

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i’m pretty sure it also helps solve the mystery around zone’s identity
but it’s like way too big brain for me alone

dude why didn’t you say anything

because it also has some information about myself i didn’t want outed

what kind
cause i don’t want to be the only one getting constantly fucked by the lore

it uh
it might be my fault we’re in this mess and i didn’t want people getting salty

lore wise?
why the fuck would we get salty over lore

good point
it also talks a lot about hanji and the ultimate faith healer
i dont think arctic is the mm

this would’ve been wonderful to know before the second phase
even more wonderful to know before the main game entirely

what exactly did it say

i’ll show you post trial
i think it would be like extreme resin for me to copypaste the whole thing here lol

i dont wanna get modkilled

no but you can paraphrase

11 hours remain.

the tl;dr is that i think arctic is gonna be the key to getting zone to get back his memories