Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

I mean

I thought everyone knew it was obviously Marshal/Marl the whole time

so did I

for me it was zone/marl

this is exactly why you should leave these thiings to the legitimate chapter host

well Zone def voted himself cuz lol Zone

the votes got outted, he didn’t
plus in marl’s speech he outted that he played zone

I had my vote on Arctic for a while but lol

Zone obviously isn’t MM.
it’s obviously misty

also fwiw, wind/zone aren’t in the clear because marl could have known they would get fucked over socially for this so he might just say ‘sorry i played you’ when it’s entirely possible they knew what they were doing

I have no seat buddies left

i had my vote on arctic because i was stuck between zone / marl sac but then arc outted the stuff so I went no arctic is not sac

wind randed sac once

yes but

and zone is plausibly lorecleared but mayyybe not

it’s also possible that he thought he was playing them but the Mastermind just
deadass just went “cool i can use this as a reason as to why i voted them”

Execution of Hirose Izanami the Ultimate “Inviter”.

Apprentice is seen charging at the exit Marl went through. He manages to get through and starts trying to chase down Marluxion who is nowhere. Everyone follows Apprentice through the exit trying to calm him down. Moments later Apprentice collapses to the ground and begins screaming in pain as tears flow down his face, Apprentice’s body begins to go cold as from his neck where his collar was seeped ice, nothing could stop it, just fearful people watching on as Apprentice’s entire body turns cold…Not cold…To ice…

Apprentice expired.

Apprentice has expired! They were:

It’s literally confirmed that I randed sac
And no Marl lied to me via DMs as well lmao
I suspected he had the sac card at first and then dismissed the thought like a dumbass

You all return to the centre. It’s slowly rising. Quietness…

I would appreciate it if Maria let me in on what the hell is happening host-wise, because I’ll be honest, I still don’t know what half of my privleges as host are.