Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Yeah I know whose I have, too lol
I can tell by the color if the name didn’t make it obvious

oh no


I dont think color / names actually match
that being said my talent is HYPPPEEEE so im ready

hope whoever gets Ultimate Necromancer has a fun time

Yeah that was mine lol


wonder what the ultimate servant of darkness will have :eyes: :eyes:

ngl that’s a cool title

ngl I hard tinfoiled that it would swap us to that class and i really wanted to be that

Yeah I thought it would be like how Trochi became reaper, but I guess even that got swapped?

i love how trochi didn’t even get to do anything with that lol

I know how trochi got reaper, it’s not that

idk if they want me to say

Idk how you even make an evil version of reaper tbh

No, I know how Trochi got reaper
I meant something else by that comment but never mind lol

what if this simulation was designed to make people evil?

Like I thought we’d have to do something to unlock evil alts of ourselves

that’s what me and wind were discussing

Maybe it’s just designed to point out we’re inherently evil instead

or that