Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Oh no, the sacrifice has a new ability?

7 minutes

same old dull routines

same aloo gobi


It is

Well well well. Look at the time.

You’ve all been in your dorms for the past week now. Nothing has happened. No announcements about the next Main Game. No new cards. No new challenges. Nothing has happened. It’s just…Silence. You don’t feel like yourselves. Your new talents feel like they corrupt you all. What’s real, what’s fake, who even cares anymore. You close your eyes for yet another day…It’s time to just rest. Who cares what happens to you now anyway…

You begin to hear someone speak on an intercom.

“Can everyone please come to the Living Room immediately?”

You recognise that voice…It’s Icibalus’ voice. You all groggily get up, wanting to stay in bed but not wanting to bother to argue. You all arrive at the Living Room. You may all speak.

hello ms spiritualist

what’s up

good evening, everyone
do you want to see some fucked up shit

i want to fuck up some shit

I am pleased to announce a new Main Game will be beginning shortly!

why are you pleased to announce that

My fellow host, Maria, should give you your cards shortly. Stay tuned for that.

Some of you may have noticed your talents have… changed somewhat. Do not worry about this. I can tell you that this is merely a harmless result of the glitches that the simulation has been experiencing lately.

All cards are being sent out immediately.


is there anything else to do until then

what’s the map this chapter btw

Now, for the fucked up shit I promised…

is it just the same

The Map is currently the same.