Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

so uh
what’s our plan here

Kill sage or me imo. But that’s where my heads at. It’s the safest plays

i doubt sage would out tbh

I know the poe for sage lol

It’s two people

sage more like sadge haha

oh pog champ

Unfortunately for the poe they traded me at the last moment while i held the card. It is the safest play. Unless yall want to risk it on me

until recently i was sage

so @Arctic why exactly did you think i wa s keymaster before i traded

As I know and confirm. But u traded with zone to take the keymaster card. Thus when I became the sage by trading zone the sac I knew. So then i got traded by none other than Arctic our sage who gave me the commoner card. That’s how he knew.

lmao this is hilarious

because i’m the mastermind

Thus the reasonable poe is two. Me the commoner that had the sage. Or the current sage that is now claiming mm

No others shall be voted. Other than the sac voting themselves. This is too easy of a trial

wait Dat did you do the last trade with Arctic?

No but it’s very obvious it was him

okay cool

so uhh

i did the tenth trade with Arctic

idk how that affects things

but do with that info as you will

This line right here proves it. As this didnt happen. Especially with ur new info that ur lying and trying to save ur friend. Theres 11 trades. At the 8th trade I knew where every power role was. I had gotten the sage and confirmed trochi as keymaster. Trade 9 happens. Then trade 10 happens where I received my commoner card. So u cant have done the 10th trade with arctic. As I was the tenth trade. And u cant be the 11th as that was zone/Maria’s trade. So Blizer ur a liar