Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Ok so we basically have a thunderdome then

You v Blizer on Sage.

Thats the safest exe. Unless yall beleive me and just get rid of me, so i dont have to deal with this anymore

you do realise that the fact either of us could be sage completely removes the effect of us being ‘safe’

You do realize we have 1 safe role and 7 not safe roles. And only 1 of the not safe roles we can be certain on being trochi. So we have a poe of 7 people we can exe in. 1 sac card who has a 1/6 chance of being anyone of us except troch. 1 sage who has a 50/50 chance of being you or blizer and the safe role we would rathe exe. or 5 other people that only have a 1/6 chance of being evil. So its still safest to exe in you two. Or yall can risk a 1/6 with anyone else.

Like lets do the math
Trochi- 100% not the lynch as they keymaster
Ici, me, whysper, mist, wind- 1/6th chance of being evil
You and Blizer- 50/50 on being safe and if not still 1 in 6

The safest bet is put all votes on you two. And you two crossvote. Get the sac in with their self vote. And boom we have our 3 man poe. Now that can be further complicated by if someone does vote you two, sac votes off wagon making it a poe of 4. Like the safest bet to limit the poe in second round, but hey lets not listen to dat

that way if people are honest with their votes wow this game is easy.

if that not clear that a 1/12 for both of ya

plus that 50 50 isnt even like taking into affect what both of yall have contributed. Cause honestly if im to beleive one of ya its

I'll tell ya later

dont u like having to wait it sucks

Ok I caught up on everything, whew

what u thinkin

Well, I think I was traded in the 3rd trade,and if I had to guess,it was probably Arctic who traded me a commoner for a commoner. I haven’t gotten traded with again after that,so I kept the card and I’m also a safe vote.

I’ve literally been afk during all trades so I can’t have made any myself. I was only the recipient of that one trade.

The problem with that is we have 3 people claiming to be traded to between 1 and 4. Like i dont think it changes anything unless ur trade wasnt commoner for commoner but all 3 have claimed commoner for commoner

Yes but Arctic has traded me in two chapters already with a commoner for a commoner lol
This is why I literally think he did, in which case he probably has my original card

my memory says i have to be the 10th trade. But the times on the clocks say that wazza announced it :59 for the 9th and i received my card at :00 and the tenth trade was at :00. No seconds hand to make it easier

Like i reacted to the 9th trade twice before both at :00 once in challenger room and once in classcard, both before i received my card. So like i want to say i was the 10th trade. Thats why i was kinda confident before. And im questioning it now cause a minute difference. I reacted to the me receiving a card at :01 in challenger room. I want to say that means Blizer did trade first as thats how my memory says it happened. But theres also a part of me thats like maybe arctic is right, plus Blizer and the statue stuff earlier was fishy. So i see the the arctic being sage world more cause memory, but Blizer lying world makes sense enough that im like having a breakdown

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It was the trade after the one where Ici claims to have traded the sac to Zone

i think we exe in those two as they are most likely to be sage, so least likely to be sac. But ahhhhhh get me off this ride Mr Bones

Is it possible someone could have forced a trade that they weren’t involved in?

yo i’m back