Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Don’t do it imo

depends what you do
could do if it’s gamer and is just as likely to go well as it isn’t

i would think it was based

everybody make way for your god

“Times up folks! Let’s see who moves on…”

“Ooooo! No tie now! You guys were DECISIVE!”


“First is…@Whysper! Who uhh…voted themself to get here…weirdo…Whoops! I wasn’t meant to say that. Oh weelllll.” Maria giggles.

“Next up was @Arctic with a solid 3 votes!”

“And finally it’s @DatBird with a whopping 4 votes!”

did anyone actually vote whysper

“And I will state now…Whysper only received 1 vote! Cya!”

what the hell happened to the other vote then
there should be 9

“Hm, what other vote. There’s only 8 of you.”

someone was messing with my ability

because i was also supposed to get a vote from a passive

@Wazza does the sacrifice not get an extra vote?

there isn’t a sacrifice, is there?

“Oh right! That vote! Yeah, you lost the tie. Sorry~.”

“Meaning your choices are Whysper, ArcticXI and DatBird!”

“Hm? So what if the Sacrifice gets an extra vote?”

“UGH. Fine. If it’ll make you feel better I’ll show all the votes.”

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