Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Why is it you make it sound like an ultimatum, either we keep you in the game or we lose? What are you hiding? Sure you’re good at solving but it’s not like the rest of us can’t survive without you. (and if we fuck up and you’re already dead, you can gloat after)

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because i thought you were the keymaster

it isn’t just the fact that i’ve been good at solving
it’s the fact that i was the only one who actually did anything in the chapter 3 trial, and convinced people in the chapter 1 trial

oh believe me i will

I counted both those points as good at solving
But also you could’ve outed that you knew Marl was sac earlier
You kept that information until pretty late, and half of us were afk when you pinged us to change our votes.
That doesn’t benefit town.

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i didn’t realise until then

i have a solution to this entire mess

Me too

i think mine is objectively better

Then go ahead

wind why are you actually voting me by the way
is it just OMGUS because i said you were wolfsiding

if this gets toxic, surviving offenders after this phase will be promptly shot

No, it’s literally because I think you’ve had a lot of good information but been disseminating it too late or in a way that we wouldn’t believe it
Which is objectively wolfy
You acted like sac and then put Jane in your sac PoE but nobody believed you except Geyde because you continued to act like the sacrifice
You were extremely obviously paranoid about getting yeeted in chapter 2
You didn’t out the information on Marl immediately in Chapter 3
And you’ve been lying about the trades every chapter that you’ve made a trade in.

Additionally you were trying to break people’s alliances while being in alliances yourself, because you wanted to secure your position in the game.

how am i supposed to disseminate information in a way that makes you belive it when everyone thinks i am the sacrifice

how is this AI

because i didn’t realise

after every chapter i literally told the truth about the trades
i immediately outted my real trade in chapter 2 after i didn’t get nominated

i’m not in alliances with anyone

holy shit
is this for real

By not fucking acting like the sacrifice??
like if you wanted people to believe you, you should’ve ended your bluff

So you take it so you aren’t exed. Exactly. This has been all self pres, the lying about trochi trade, the lying about when your trade happened, saying you have bombshells and holding info when its just u think im the mm with little proof, the not admitting to just having the sage card. Just so you can survive even though the opposite is inoptimal in making sure we dont have a sac death. Thats ur whole thing u dont want to die. I have embraced death, i wish this trial ended adn im gone so i can move on with my life. But i want people to see the liar you have been this trial. And that hey maybe this guy would lie about stuff to idk get someone who wants him dead, gone. Hey thats my thoughts. Dont trust him 1 bit. Hes has ulterior motives, especially with whysper imo. Why is he so adament that i die over her. Well hes done it once before. Connect the dots.

this is not a drill
i don’t care how -EV it is i will do it

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Yes it’s just 100% Arctic is paranoid about getting yeeted so he’s self-pres’d every chapter
Nobody wanted him dead but he acted like it anyway