Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Oh yeah, so you wouldn’t even have a second card
I mean unless the lack of a card means MM,but according to the clue pieces it’s an actual card,isn’t it

how many times must i say this
wazza confirmed mm has two cards

I meant if the MM card wouldn’t show up on the game code spreadsheet but I guess it would, or our lives would just be more complicated than they already are

they are already pretty complicated true

Actually idk if it would show up as the “real talent” or not
Idk how the spreadsheet works
Some of you have two cards and they show there, others don’t

i wonder why mine’s still hidden
we uh
kinda all found it out

Like App shows as inviter/prostitute and that’s one card
Blizer shows as statue performer/serial killer and that’s two cards
You’re a florist/reaper with two cards but reaper doesn’t show as your real talent

Yeah I have no clue tbh

Actually, maybe we should ask Maria

i still love wazza for this btw

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do you think she’d actually answer?

It’s worth a try, sometimes she “slips” and gives hints

this is true
should we @ them or something


Hey, Maria? If Trochi’s real talent is Ultimate Reaper, then why doesn’t it show in the game code?

do i need to do some…public reaping or something?

i mean i can but i uh doubt y’all would appreciate that

“This is a service announcement: public reaping will now commence. Please make sure to keep your belongings on your person at all times. Thank you!”

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brilliant yes
10/10 reaping

“Blank is simply we all deemed we can hide from you all for now.”

so uh
what are we doing