Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

i voted Arctic

sorry been busy with other games and school

weirdchamp since i stopped you getting voted but okay


ive been like

not paying attention to this as much

Im busy today, but like

i will read back today here after phase 2 starts when i have less stuff to deal with irl

phase 2 has already started lol
who are you voting

Wait what oh shit hold on lol

in case you missed something maria said she’s the sacrifice and the votes do make sense that way, so we’re effectively deciding who to kill between me, datbird and whysper without woryring about the sacrifice

although i still think whysper could be sac if maria is lying

I mean

sac has priority over ties

we learned our lesson from last main game in regards to that

im fine voting between you or dat

do we know who voted who for phase 1

i think she probably ~never is tbh

me: blizer, trochi, datbird
datbird: me, misty, ici, wind
whysper: whysper
maria: maria
misty: +1 vote on herself from an ability??

you know whysper could have voted misty and like

lied about voting herself

but yeah

safest lynch is like

you or dat here no matter what

another reason why we should kill datbird


i wont tell people who i voted for

but im gonna cast it rn

okay well i’m guessing you voted me since you voted me in phase 1

why do you want to kill me over datbird

that would mean i was also lying about having a passive that gives me a self-vote


i have like

no reason to vote you lmao

i mean if you have self-vote, it still really doesnt change that

whysper most likely has the sac still lmao

if there’s a sac in play then we risk losing because the host blatantly lied about public information

that doesn’t make for a fair game

she literally said she could be lying