Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

he killed marshal for no reason so maybe

i’m pretty sure marshal killed himself


i disagree
nothing in this game has happened for literally no reason

the fact a reason is not yet apparent does not mean there was none

imagine a necromancer actually dying from tripping

fair, just dont have any clue

this is what i’ve been saying

he left to go and do something before he came back and died
plus he literally went ‘ok i’m gonna come over there and touch you!’ then died

He went to go get me stars to help me trade zone

both Marshal and Zone had weird deaths

hey mist
since we’re all about to die anyway
what did your ult in chapter 2 really do

she stole our items as i recall

let me double/half speed/strength on 1 person each and steal an item

i stole wind’s clue piece

why would you steal a clue piece from someone confirmed not to be MM

idk either, I made it public lol

because i didn’t realize it was the thing that got made public and wanted to see what it was

also none of her other items were good

lol yeah that’s because my gun was unstealable

i didn’t even have any items in chapter 1 or 2

glad you didn’t steal from me lmao

apparently blizer and arctic were shocked at my arsenal of heavy weaponry