Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

18… Not 20. The traitor and the Mastermind.

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Our first order of business should be to determine who the owner of this laptop is.

if Amelia was a traitor and not the MM, it means Jane was just a participant like the rest of us but also got to place cards, right?

This implies one of the traitor or mastermind were on our side, considering only one wasn’t


I think the traitor defected

Did they only get informed at a certain date?

Amelia’s wincon did make her a normal participant after killing her targets

“So…what do we ask first-” Maria is cut off as tape is wrapped around her mouth, shutting her up. Haha, I’m not helping you.

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true, but Amelia wasn’t on our side until after, so they were a traitor “from the beginning”
which then would imply that, if they aren’t the MM, the MM did not know they were MM

These emails were received after the Ultimate Blacksmith’s death, so the owner of the computer can’t be him.

I also wouldn’t assume it’s just Amelia that could’ve been informed of their true nature later on.
Amelia could’ve been informed from the start; and the mastermind later on.

I can’t help but wonder if this is suppose to hint at something. :slight_smile:

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Therefore, I submit that the owner of this computer is the Ultimate Inventor.


I believe Amelia was informed from the start, meaning the other one was not

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Logically, it can be nobody else. The problem then becomes what the business with Amelia being the fake Ultimate Inventor is.

the owner was in this together with the coder so it does make sense that it would be the inventor.

could be that the mastermind plotted with the coder, so they somehow managed to get the inventor out of the way and sent Amelia in to impersonate the inventor
meaning the inventor was likely already dead so they were covering up

…They’ll be coming for your head soon. Murano said that in the email, like we personally were going to kill the Ultimate Inventor.

i thought “they” meant the guards

But the simulation had already started, and yet emails were being sent from the Inventor’s computer.