Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

it happends okay

ive known ici for like over a year

its taking a bit to adjust slightly

also, im in class so lmao

ye that’s understandable and as long as you’re trying :+1:

someone do be dying tho within the next 24 hours :flushed:

this simulation is a scam

I don’t know that the tie was smeared, Wazza just said the tie had blood on the front only and not the back
it occurred to me that my idea of “back” and his idea of “back” were not the same cause at first I was thinking, back of the neck and not back of the flat part of the tie lol
anyway it was used for wiping, and it was still on Ici so it wasn’t lifted off. there would be blood only on one side if it wasn’t sitting on top of the stab wounds long enough for it to soak, and if whoever touched it had clean hands, which we already know.

The neck wound blood is just smeared from the description I got, idk other details.

so we have 2 options
either ici used it herself to stop the bleeding
the killer used it to wipe blood on/off something

should we just gather proof for both these ideas

proof for ici using it herself is that she didn’t die until like 6 minutes after her scream
proof for it being used to wipe something is the shovel?

i have an announcement to make

go on


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i don’t know what i expected

Arctic why lol

this post was so abominable that it literally brought me back from the dead
hit it, wazza


The lights suddenly flash off and when they turn back on.

Well…I believe this post can tell you all you need to know.

Standing where the Host is meant to be was Icibalus with a smirk.


Evening, everyone. My name is Luna, and i’ll be your host for this class trial. I realise this is quite awkward, considering that I’m the victim, but you don’t exactly have a choice in the matter.

If anybody has any questions for me, I’ll be glad to take them.

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the fuck

I realise this looks a lot like I’m the Mastermind, but believe me when I say this- I have come to deliver information essential to defeating the Mastermind.

Firstly, let’s drop a little bombshell: The old host was lying. You haven’t been put in a simulation. There’s a very simple reason for that- you were already in one.