Your Turn To Survivor [Misc] - canned

The best way to survive is to claim Keymaster, but… at one point, it just becomes a clusterfest, and people will either start reading micro-macro or outright claim another role.

The saddest thing about playing this game online -without any risks at stake- is the fact that any form of altruism will never be rewarded. Instead, you will be punished, because someone will accuse you of gamethrowing if you try to be nice.

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Zone, I feel that you should go into this completely blind with no expectations, I feel you’re kind of bubbling this disappointment when it didn’t even came :eyes:

A quick note about Altruism theory and how I will play this game. Note that the arguments and facts presented here are indisputable, and that I will not engage in arguments about them, because those arguments are you wasting everyone else’s time about meta that is well and comprehensively established. Go claim Commoner so we can execute you.

I’ve reflected on my role and realized that there is a GTO play for me in this game, and therefore I am compelled to pursue it. I am going to brute force my Sageness immediately upon the opening of the thread.

I am hard-claiming, and I will never be rescinding. I am the Sage. When it becomes prudent I will provide the Keymaster.

Also, to preempt a lengthy and pointless discussion.

It is NOT dumb to ponder this post and convince yourself of its wisdom. That is your obligation as a Commoner, and I encourage you to think it over for as long as it takes to quell your (initially valid but ultimately unnecessary) concerns.

Sucks for the Sacrifice when meta is wielded this brutally, but my allegiance is plain and my strategy perfect. Get #rekt.


I am not disappointed. I am just… afraid of what I believe will happen in the near future.

I am not omniscient, so I can always be wrong, but I… am confident in my beliefs.

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if you want to know how to be commoner
just look at my Iso chapter 1 of the last game


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There are always those out there who realize that games are more than just games, and that true altruism even in games is commendable.


That’s the principle of the role, sure.

So basically…
Commoners will claim Keymaster, Keymaster will claim Commoner, Sacrifice will claim Sage, and Sage will claim Sacrifice.

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It’s futile trying to determine what roles will claim what when everything is covered in hundreds of layers of WIFOM

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Please don’t /out :joy:

No. That would just be a death sentence. I expect Keymasters to claim Keymasters.

Uh… Yes.

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Bumping, hoping to start this tommorow

I can in instead of volunteer as cohost if it comes to it

i do need a cohost, i doubt this doesnt fill its gotten slots p quicky I just hoped to start this tommorow

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