- Lobby chat
- Added the ability to reconnect and rejoin games if you disconnect or crash.
- If your game crashes or you exit to the lobby there will be a prompt for if you want to rejoin the game.
- If a player is disconnected during the night, they will have til the end of the next night.
- If a player is disconnected during the second half of the day, they will have 2 nights to reconnect.
- If a player is disconnected during the first half of the day, they will have until the end of the night to reconnect.
- Times could change depending on feedback.
- The game will pause for up to 10 seconds while a player reconnects.
- Instead of being “timed out”, you reconnect to the server in lobby
- Friends status is now ninja-targeted.
- Reserved name filters (no stealing staff names or calling yourself f*cker)
- Emerald Potion no longer bypasses night immunity
- Surprise Mojo no longer says they were occupied by the Fool, but the fireworks still happen.
- For the King their class name in the voting panel will also be colored towards your faction. Only the King can see their faction.
#Bug Fixes:
- Alchemist’s Tar Potion is now properly set to 2 uses.
- Fixed fire execution.
- Fixed settings & volume bug.
- Fixed a few ability messages mentioning the Black Rose instead of Unseen.
- Friend invites work again (it was a Steam issue)
- Friend invite cooldown set to 5 seconds (last patch, but didn’t mention)
- Fixed lobby instability while rejoining a match after disconnection
- Fixed lingering count/names on match disconnection in lobby
- Fixed end game gp calculations