- ToL is now available for 32-bit Windows systems. Linux and Mac will also be available soon
- Added new male clothes called The Wealthy Merchant.
- Added new female clothes called Kirtle of the Devout.
- Added Knight room.
- Replaced inconsistent store armor art with real 3D screenshots
Queued Messaging:
- When you add friends @ end screen, you’ll send a request.
- When entering lobby, if pending friend request, Accept/Decline friend requests
- (For now, you’ll have to restart the game to see new friends)
- Guards! now has 4 uses.
- Starting King now has an ability called Allies with 4 uses.
- If you are a Good or Evil King you can find out if a player is in the same faction as you.
- If you are a Neutral King you can discover a player’s faction.
- The description for the ability should be different for the Neutral King. Let me know if it is not.
- Will-o-Wisp now has 3 uses.
Bug Fixes:
- Some.