just has part of the bds win con
Merc and SellSword can still win with the Neutral Killer, so if the Unseen defeat the BD, the Merc can still side with NK or step foward as king to become a neutral king.
I actually like the new change, because it may promote the USE of Pseudo-Prince Meta, Where Hunter, Phys, Butler or any class that can protect themselves from death will claim prince to gather leads and claims.
Just a suggestion maybe make it so only one or the other spawns if both the merc and sellsword spawn would be to op
Why? They actually balance each other out, as they have opposing win conditions. Generally this will be the case though as the system incentivizes 1 healer (alchemist) being present and there is a neutral killer and neutral limit. If anything the system should ensure that mercenary and sellsword are unique spawns, so there are not 2 mercenaries aiding BD or conversely 2 sellswords aiding scum. The system probably has checks in place that it balances around having evil king or more scum-sided neutrals not in the same game.
Honeslty im just giving my opinion since it could risk auto exes
No. Enforcer is not occupy immunity
Patch looks really good, when is the CW rework comming out tho?
When Santa becomes gay.
Oh yeah, that reminds me.
How do we feel about Sellsword becoming Evil King if elected? Because I think that would be a solid idea for an evil neutral.
I’m less sold on Mercenary becoming Good King being a good idea - I don’t think I’d do that one right now.
He also wins with Nk
Yeah but let’s be real NK wins are more rare than scum wins and you can’t exactly make Sellsword-King its own thing unless you make a bunch of new Kings
Plus EKing can still help NK delending on the situation
No… Psycho King. Both(Mercenary and Sellsword)
It can be tested however does he need it?
But what the problem with NK(Neutral King) tho? He can still with scum or NK so it solves both problems.
Except it also allows things like Sellsword claiming and being all like “yeah I’ll just vote with BD if you elect me.”
You know, the usual NK strat before that was patched out.
and the solution to both is the same… Psycho King… but this time without Night Immunity.
At that point why not make a Fanatical King FoL copy
Honestly, i wouldn’t be suprised if BD will usually hang those kind a people (Fun Fact: Anyone who is saying that usually backstabbing BD in first opportunity)
A different types of Kings would be nice…