Class Fixes
- Silence (Distract) no longer overrides a Reaper chill (Chill now has priority).
Other Fixes/Improvements
- Fixed lobby friend “follow” bug (that led to messed up games with an empty throne).
- Lobby memory leak fixed.
- Fixed quit button. However, a 1/2 second crash icon will show in exchange for a speedy quit. Will look more into this later.
- Numerous class card typos, bad tips, grammar, etc – fixed.
- Added ability for devs to swap regions without a patch if servers go unstable
- You will no longer auto-switch regions upon temporary outages (which would cause infinite queue times if the outage only lasted a few seconds - it wouldn’t bring you back to the default region where everyone else is).
- The default region has been changed to a hopefully more-stable one.
- Updated Unity, our game engine, to 2018.3 (This may cause a larger update size).
Quality of Life
- Timesnatcher portrait swapped in from placeholder.
- Handmaiden portrait swapped in from placeholder.
- Testing more-readable colors recommended by our UX artist. Should only be slightly different. Please offer #feedback in Discord - so far, our PTR testers either loved it or didn’t notice
- Added the missing v2.1.1 in-game patch notes.
- Updated our credits (notably the music composers+tracks). I’ll add the missing tracks soon to our soundtrack @ https://toli.es/soundtrack
- Some of these changes were meant to be in a reverted patch that never came to be (v2.1.1a).