Had a game where there were two nobles and the prince was just whispering himself to give them both info.
Pretty OP.
You shouldn’t be able to whisper to yourself and Noble should probably be a unique class.
Had a game where there were two nobles and the prince was just whispering himself to give them both info.
Pretty OP.
You shouldn’t be able to whisper to yourself and Noble should probably be a unique class.
I was one of those Nobles that game.
As for the issue on hand, I think it is a little unfair to whisper yourself. Before, you would try and the game would say something like “You can’t whisper yourself.” So I completely agree with you on that issue of whispering yourself.
As for your second proposal of making Noble unique, I think Nobles are fine as is right now. Having 2 Nobles gives the BD the suspicion of possibly a possessor, and the perks of having a ton of info is dampened by suspicion. Also, Nobles can be converted, so they could easily lose credibility fast. Nobles aren’t OP right now, so in my opinion, I think having 2 nobles (which is rare), is fine.
This seems like a bug?
Why(i definitely didnt know about this for months)
You should not be able to whisper yourself.
Pretty sure people wrote it in bugs channel month ago because i know about this for a long time
But it is a bug
You can also whisper dead people, which I assume will cause the same problems as whispering yourself. So both will need to be removed.
I do sort of like the fact you can whisper yourself and dead people, if only for the reason that it now no longer shows those messages in the public chat when you mess up your recipient.
This is totally a bug…
I think before, it doesn’t allow that…
But it is not tho.I am whispering myself as pally with saying hi to apostle.I remember I can whisper myself since May
Im pretty sure someone told Disco about it on stream 2 months ago or so
Noble doesn’t need to be unique, though it does need a rework to make it less confirmable
I don’t think noble really needs to be unique I think them reading whispers should be reverted to the old whisper but aristro and apstole should be able to hear all whispers.