2d3 Mafia Chat

NOOO. NOO/ ashe please no

Please no ashe

She was right on the mark

No no that’s perfect

I know, we use that against them

She predicts the cop’s death lol

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we did it boiz

I’m lock Town orange :wink:

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Honestly I hope marl finds it in his heart to give us both MVP

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I’ll take “null” when everybody else is a scumread lmao

enjoy being in your grave lol

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Why is it a good day?

nothing to do with this does it :thinking:

Not a thing :blush:

I love being lock Town cause I don’t have to do much besides memes and be like, totally they are scum

Tomorrow though I’ll have to do actual work though


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Same logic applies

Why would I even try to distance if they were a town leader lol

Town self destructed

They literally just did

Fighting over credit lmao