2d3 Mafia Chat

Okay so I know how to fix this

You presd the hamburger-looking icon

And then you press the word “Light”

I don’t like this so far

And then it’s fixed

I feel like I’m being trapped here

Marl I think you got your time wrong

Wait nvm I’m crazy

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Good luck man

Luxy is the cop!

I knew it

He was so easy to find lmao

Luckily he definitely checked Ici

So we’re in the clear

@Marluxion should’ve given cop a N0 check when you saw we were the scumteam :stuck_out_tongue:


We do not need to lynch Luxy

I will continue pushing them because I was before

Do not feel the need to follow me

Okay then.

We kill Luxy tonight, Livicus tomorrow probably

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“Lock town with livicus”

Something similar
