2d3 Mafia Chat

I’m towny in ashe reads

Oh I see

Yes good job :slight_smile:


I don’t think we are able to get enough mislynches

The cop claim can screw us

No, they checked Ici

We kill them without them outing, hopefully

I’m offering for us to all hypo but I’m hoping we don’t

Fire you just fucked me

You literally just said you’d like to lynch me, the cop, or the cop’s green check today


I really hope you have some plan to change your mind today somehow

And I hope it is on Ashe over Blue because damn

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I don’t have a lot of time, I’ll fix I

I’ll fix it don’t worry

We have 36 hours

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That’s plenty of time

Right don’t rush

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p sure that was ashe not you


What do we do if they checked us

They didn’t and you CC that shit with a red check on Blue

I’d CC it with a red check on them

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I’m going to say I reread the thread in two hours

You do you but for the love of god add one more possible possibility to that pool

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