2d3 - Mafia Victory

Also I’m just gonna say that today is a really good day and I love you all :blush:

that’s very unorange like

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Eh it’s a good day

Game day or irl day?


And I’m sure I’m gonna enjoy watching Ashe pick up MVP after town completely bins it somehow at LyLo tomorrow.

And Ashe disappears after she’s called out. Figures.

Luxy and Ashe are distancing hard right now, discuss

Luxy isn’t scum, discuss

Mate I don’t know how deluded you can be if you possibly think Ashe and I am on the scumteam. She was literally top town leader and I called her out, and turned her into a concensus scumread. Why would I ever do that if I was on her team smh?

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Like, fair, I didn’t realise I wasn’t making as much as sense as I thought I was that time, but you’ve been doing it all game.

Just because something’s convenient for you doesn’t make it the truth -_-

Hard disagree for reasons stated

Now that’s something I can agree with lmao

Because I called her out actually so don’t start with that

Okay but your reasons stated all focus on their interaction with you lmao

You’re getting hung up on their opinion of your play

No I called her out first. You just jumped along after I called you on her scumteam


Watching blue and ashe

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First accusation of Ashe D3, you had read her as town before then.

Don’t start a fight you can’t win.

As I said, weak distancing.

No one even changed their read on her until I called her out.

So no, stop lying, you made no difference.

And even ‘read her as town’, I said I liked one post from her early day 1. Reads can change.

That’s an elaborate way of saying “no u”. Memesky’s moving up in the world, I see.

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