2d3 - Mafia Victory

That’s three

Still think Ashe is a better lynch but I don’t see her self-voting as either alignment in MyLo :thinking:

Although orange, if my guess is correct, we’re done here

it’s night in UK

so the real swing vote, Ici’s, is out of commission

I’d set an alarm.

Wouldn’t be the first time.

I have a hard time believing he changed to Livicus and just left for good.

I doubt he did, he was pretty tired and in his daze I think he swapped his vote from ashe to me

Dude that’s a shitty way to go out if your FK/Ashe theory is right

I’m still pretty happy with either wagon today but like

One solution

@Icibalus @Icibalus @Icibalus

Three pings for Peter

@Icibalus @Icibalus @Icibalus

Three pings for Paul?

am I doing this right?

it’s a biblical allusion

Oh I see

What part

but in all seriousness we need Ici here

Peter denying Jesus three times and then the rooster crows

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That makes perfect sense actually

Oh marl set a timer

Who knew

Yeah orange, I think we’re done

Ashe and Litten, well played

I don’t give up hope until the clock strikes zero

This wouldn’t even be a cfd it’s just one vote swap

I’ve had full-scale cfds in under a minute