2d3 Turbo - Signups [8/9]

if it starts filling up, you can ping the hell outta me to jump in although I might regret giving you permission later

I wouldā€™ve wanted to play, but I doubt itā€™d start and end in an hour, soā€¦
Ping me tomorrow at 2020-11-23T22:00:00Z or even a bit earlier if the game hasnā€™t started yet.

I canā€™t run it that day, but I can run it 24 hours after that.

Also, this was mistyped, so Iā€™m quoting it. On a separate subject, 16 hours difference is massive. Itā€™s Sunday for me LOL.

Thanks, I didnā€™t notice and fixed it.
Is it Sunday for you rn, or tomorrow?

Wait, I mistyped, I meant 72 hours after that LOL (I think my brain calculated it as an 8 hour difference with me being a later time or something, idk what was going on in my mind)

Rn, I donā€™t think anywhere in the world is Saturday

You meant Thursday US timezones, right?


well, if itā€™s 2020-11-27T00:00:00Z or after Iā€™d be down to join for sure

Good, Iā€™ll run it at that point.

Game has been postponed until the above date and time.


iā€™d like to join, although this is my first FoL game and as such ill suck but i guess filling it up with bad players is better than not filling it up at all


This isnā€™t an FoL game. Itā€™s a turbo game, meaning it will only last for about half an hour.

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Considering the time, I hope it doesnā€™t start at midnight.

I guess it depends on your time zone.

Game on Thanksgiving

bold move

I may actually be able to run it later today, but I can only guarantee it on Thanksgiving.

Meanwhile all my professors decided the solution to the problem of us having Thanksgiving break was to assign more homework :frowning:


:cry: No one respects that Thanksgiving is a real holiday.