54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

lol why

They are purging a discussion we spent time in effort in and had fun

They discussed philosophy in the Forum Quotes thread and Luxy decided that wasn’t the place for it so he’s moving it somewhere else.
Some people are pissed cuz he deleted/moved stuff that wasn’t against forum rules and it’s a non-official off-topic thread so it had the right to stay there

wow i leave for 4 hours and yall discover philosophy im sad i missed out

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I don’t see the problem in having discussion in a off topic thread

Rules are only effective if enforced


So you’re saying I should ask the mods to perma Marshal

I’m sure a lot of people would love to get punished on this forum but sadly no mods enforce rules

Good luck

01 PM

i highly regret looking this up

safesearch is a lie

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It’s not like we ever cross the NSFW line

All we do is innuendos and stuff

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imagine not wanting to be immortal

This is a lie but still


Don’t you eye it, it’s true


My cat stole my chair again very mad

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Move em

I can’t she’s too cute