54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you can make your setup way you like

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ok will do :+1:

Who would be up to play a game with over 20 people, consisting of people like me on a forum filled with weebs and newbs?

this game is over, isn’t it?

I dont think so? Clicking the link brings you directly to where Reaper decides to hold a massive game. I think only 5 or 6 people have signed up for it.


I’m joining the first game I like. If I don’t find another until that thread is created, I will join it.

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Is it the same reaper?

You got a month or so

I was summoned

Me: unaware of any of this
Merc calling me at Discord: now you have 1 month and 9 days to host a game

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Heed my words,
My will creates your body,
And your sword creates my destiny.
If you heed the Grail’s call,
And obey my will and reason,
Then answer my summoning!
I hereby swear,
That I shall be all the good in the world,
That I shall defeat . . . all evil in the world!
Then let thine eyes be clouded, With the fog of turmoil and chaos,
Thou, who art trapped in a cage of madness,
And I, the summoner, who holds thy chains!
Seventh heaven clad,
And the great words of power,
Come forth from the circle of bindings,
Guardian of Scales!

It’s me, Archer!






this is husbandoposting thread now

Broken image yay

