54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Did the same

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$im Yuuki Konno


$serverdisable Super Crown

@mod can someone change my title to Alphys please?

@ god But you’re a God :eyes:

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I could be both.
A god usually disguises his true nature.

I literally burst out laughing when my title changed.

Hi, some questions for the FM nerds :wink:
What’s slanking? What’s flaking? What is a slank vig?

  1. Being afk
  2. no idea
  3. A role who kills low-posters.
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  1. To bail out of something at the last minute

  2. To break a contract, verbal or written

  3. To lie about a previously made agreement

courtesy of urban dictionary

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Doubt that’ll suffice.


just bc this is forum mafia doesn’t mean we use completely different terminology for everything

“S-Sorry to make you f-feel bad or a-anything, I didn’t mean t-to.”


im not angry, im just saying lol

It’s a joke.
Since my pfp Character is apologetic and… nvm.

yeah, i know that but like i thought u were being serious but also rping at the same time

so like if i sounded angry i didn’t mean to

You didn’t.
I do that kind of thing a lot.

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