54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

And what happened next

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my hand felt like it was burning so I wiped my hand with a towel.

my hand is no longer feeling like it is burning.

3/10 story needs more magic

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fine then :b:oi

so I went into my bathroom to pee, but then my bladder hurt because I have been de-hydrated for the past 3 years of my life, so while I was bored I saw a magical shirt in the sink with bleach, I knew I had to test the magic before someone else did, I touched the shirt and my hand began to turn red, it felt like it was on fire, I rushed into my kitchen and grabbed my magical towel, which washed my sins on my hand away.



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shoot fine I’ll make it 10/10

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so I went into my bathroom to pee, but then my bladder hurt because I have been de-hydrated for the past 3 years of my life, so while I was bored I saw a magical shirt in the sink with bleach, I knew I had to test the magic before someone else did, I touched the shirt and my hand began to turn red, it felt like it was on fire, I rushed into my kitchen and grabbed my magical towel, which washed my sins on my hand away. My dog looked at me, she shot lazer beams out of her eyes at me, which started to make me dance! My dog was actually a demon! I danced around the lazers before one hit me in the foot, I jumped over to my couch doing a front flip on my way there, and went to the cookie thread to please some Kitten that is on Fire.



Thanks dad 3.

Wazza :eyes: please take care of yourself


This is like that degrading picture meme


If anyone wants to play wolfia

Tol discord > #forum_of_lies

p!catch taillow

Who am I? All of your secrets

Guess I can come back to Hearthstone now with me legendary classic cards.


That Feeling When the fire alarm in your dorm goes off at 3 AM

(Update: everyone is safe, we’re back inside)

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