54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ive been here for a while, been watching for a while, and i still dont understand half of it.
i know how i learn. i learn by getting an explanation, and then seeing that explanation in practice. because i sorta need the reasoning before i can put into practice what im observing

Trial and error would be my advice.

So put someone on trial and vote opposite of what benefits you

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We removed trials though. Only kings can learn through trial and error.


You must have also seen plenty of reading guides coming by or links to them then anyways.

The thing is that infallible reading guides can’t exist, because the players will adapt, but the general principles typically remain.

Actually… I learned by understanding. I didn’t speak at all until I was 5. Then I spoke almost perfectly, like a 10 years old.
I’m not learning by watching, but that might be neuroatypical.

But Do you understand how king crimson works?

i mean if ive seen them ive missed them :man_shrugging:

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general principles of reading? Tell! reeeee

but thats also why i want the methodology, rather than just the steps.

understanding the reasons behind something allows me to adapt it to the complications that inevitably rise up


Just ask Eevee/Ici/Geyde. They always link articles on that.


Got any of dem… mafia guides?



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Hjönk! Hjönk!


This is something I found on google. Seems to hit some points on a glance. Reading different guides on this can give you a myriad of ways to read and establish your own way of doing things I suppose.


You can do some research yourself or just wait for someone else to post better links.


Found an original by stalking Ici’s top links

Has there ever been a Winter-themed SFoL?

Best way to learn how to read, is reading someone’s posts if they feel off write which post felt off and what it made you feel. Now feeling off is vague, what does that mean… well it can mean things dont make sense from prior game experience aka meta, things dont seem to be coming from a town mindset (this ones hard to think of an example off the top my head but someone might be able to pick up my slack), bad progression on reads such as jumping to conclusions jumping on a wagon to fast with no prior reason or logic just not being there, also look for logical fallacies. Another big thing I look for on some players like Possessed and Solic is the way they write. Certain phrases and writing styles come up a lot more when they are scum compared to town. After you found what’s wrong with it. Quote the post explain your problem with it and elaborate. Lastly some reads you dont have an explanation for they are GUT reads. Something feels off and you know it deep inside urself but u cant explain it. Say ur guts saying this. Bring attention to it and then see if anyone else can help with ur push

At least that’s how I do it. And I have like an okish track record. Some games I get the whole scumteam others I didnt get one. But who knows that’s how I go about it at least

Tell me. :eyes: