54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Join Alice Mash. :cry:

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Do you mean:

Good night.

Good Night.

You can’t hide from me Icibalus and Simon, I saw you.

actually the real way you read people is you gutread them and then write 5 wallposts explaining why your gut feeling is objectively correct :^)

I jest, but this is not complete bullshit. Gut feelings, given enough experience, begin to be accurate, but what’s important is that they should never stay as gut forever. A “gut read” is really your subconcious doing your conciousness’s job for you, and you need to use that conciousness to figure out why your gut feeling happens.

Another general rule of thumb is that you should try to make your reads as sophisticated as possible. I don’t mean convoluted, but try to follow unusual lines of reasoning. If they make sense, they’re probably going to lead somewhere.

Let’s see… other points:

  • Analyse the motivation behind content rather than looking only for contradictions within said content. Villagers are contradictory because people are.
  • Meta is good but it depends on skill level, becoming way less useful the better the player.
  • Vote Count Analysis is busted if you know how to use it properly. Try to figure out how VCA works.
  • Wallposts aren’t easier to read but they’re more lucrative to read because they reflect condensed thought, and thus you can tell somebody’s motivation far more through a mini-essay.
  • anybody found not capitalising their Is correclty unironically is automatically a wolf

What about people misspelling correctly?

Or people forgetting punctuation at the end of a sentence?

that’s actually very villagery tbh

What about people not capitalizing the first letter of a sentence?

Anyway, I’ll stop now. Sorry Ici, I couldn’t resist.

very villagery, anybody who does that is lock village

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Oof, I guess I’m lockscum then.

I would if I had time. I just don’t :frowning:

Alice mashes are amazing :slight_smile:

My gf has great ideas for games


I actually normally use strictly correct punctuation, it’s just I forgo such a thing on the internet as my way of resisting the system in a revoloutionary way to make it clear that THE MAN has no control over me.

What ideas?

Wait, is Alice your girlfriend?

who wants to help me make an Undertale forum mafia game

uh huh, uh huh…

can do! :+1:

see thats the thing, I like to think im able to have a consistent tone/phrasing/whatnot as scum or town, and i dont personally think thats the way you should go about it, or at least it isnt how i do it. i just kinda reciprocate the mindset behind my actions, or rather, rather than copying the style directly, i take it a level of abstraction behind that, and let the style come naturally. this is of course helped by the fact that i try not to filter how i type too much, i type like how i talk.
this is super rambly but like thats what i mean by typing how i talk :man_shrugging:
i Dont plan out the goal for what im saying beforehand, i just talk. this isnt to say i dont realize how what im saying influences the game, i do do that, or at least i try to (i slip up occasionally and get scumread for it but whatev). so like:

i dont intentionally set up associations. i just sorta interact with people as they come at me, or those who stick out at me.


I want to.

Not sure if I’ll be very helpful though, it’s been a while since I played.

Yes she is :slight_smile:

And lots of them. All the ideas.

Best explained by her

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