54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t like outing my name, but I can give some hilarious trivia regarding my last name


yes pls

I wish my newbs were playing in english so I could screenshoot them

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Hows scum team doing, good or bad

My father’s side is Irish

My last name is Wrappe
It’s pronounced like rap or wrap

However, this used to be said differently, because there was a slight change to the name like 30 years ago

It used to be Wrape
Pronounced like rape

The reason for the change should be obvious, but if you know my first name…
It could have led to interesting scenarios

Imagine introducing yourself as Will Wrape in conversations



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I completely agree that the last name change was necessary



We live in a society


“Hello, I’m Will Wrape, you?”

My surname is some italian shit

Scumteam is going for very newbie scum meta but because town is also newb they misread scum as locktown

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In general their current meta is:

  • People acting cutely and not showing intent to lynch is townish
  • Slanking is a scumtell
  • Agressiveness is a scumtell
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The doc is the most agressive/active player surprisingly tho

I’m assuming you’re hosting on another site?

I’m hosting in Discord for my friends

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  • Lynch Kirito D1.

Is that the agressive Doc?

No they just hate Kirito as in the SAO character