54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You’d probably do it via DM, possibly requiring the fact of a whisper to be announced in thread.

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I just realised how close we are to the next cookie.

This is a host nightmare though, so I don’t think I would incorporate that though. The added power to town can be curbed in other ways.


Why? The players can announce it themselves.

I’ve never had a cookie and I’m starving.

And also going to eat dinner though, so cya

Just a lot of redundant posts.

And having to post that you whispered someone for every post you make is just tedious nonstop doubleposting.

You would probably announce it only once a day, that you “started” a discussion with someone.

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Man why does Priestess keep whispering everyone

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It can also collectively be shared at EoD by the host.

Oof, I wouldn’t want to give the host more work. Let the players do it themselves :upside_down_face:

7 more roles I just gotta flesh out the idea I had for them, and I can finally get this game checked, im scared its not gonna fill now due to its size, but Imma hope for the best. Lets hope

How many players?

29, thats the problem. I see Alice’s having problems now and im worried

Is there a theme? Or is the theme a secret?

I miss mediumsized games

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jojo part 5

Why do people want to do big sized games… they are a nightmare…

Is 20p midsized for you
Because me and fk are making one

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I could cut it down to that, it just be less fun due to having to cut so many fun characters.