54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Ok kill me

Fol is forum mafia

why would I kill you when I can take the moral high ground and get someone else to do it for me

FoL is still heavily mechanic based, and if you play FoL like a normal FM, you don’t even use half of the power of your class.

I know who the future criminal mastermind will be

I’m bad at mechanics because I find them confusing and I’m bad at them

Wait I said that twice

Yeah, but it’s still at its core forum mafia. You take away the lynch and it’s basically not forum mafia anymore.

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In fact wouldn’t even be fol anymore

more like a misc game themed around tol

:thinking: Why?
ToL without lynches felt pretty much like ToL. You are gathering infos at daytime, and try to win due to your night actions. Pretty much the same like ToL and FoL.

You answered part of your own question.

And the other answer is that forum mafia involves a lynch

Wait let me rephrase that

Tol requires a lynch for the game to be fair to blue dragon. Forum mafia does as well though

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I’m wording this badly

Hold on a Second

Forum Of Lies has to be based around the game Throne of lies for it to be considered FOL. Throne Of Lies is an adaption of mafia, which means it has a lynch. If TOL didn’t have a lynch, it wouldn’t be mafia, and therefore couldn’t ever be even considered FOL

actually if it didn’t have a lynch fol would probably be a special misc category

FoL with no lynch would mean BD autolost if all TKs died, or if Prince were the only TK, Cultseen got a convert off, and the NK didn’t kill Cultseen.