54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Ah you see
There is no valid argument to be made

FoL is just mountainous but with classes

I mean, ToL is just FoL in short and with better mechanics :wink:

ToL is just FoL but buggy :wink:



FoL is ToL just with moderrors :stuck_out_tongue:

TOL is just FOL without actual updates to gameplay

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FoL is ToL just with trial and error balancing :wink:

they both do that actually

For real, FoL is good in testing new mechanics

it’s only because it’s much easier to write then it is to program

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It’s just hard to try to translate things from fol to tol since the balancing is so different (since non-turbo etc.), but you can get some basics I guess.

Honestly, they both equal out

Minor mistakes that don’t change the game significantly if handled properly…completely gameruining issues

confess, feedback got just limited because hosts were not able to do all feedback without errors

(yeah, I know it’s just a way to make the game more scumsided, since the game was too bd sided with all the additional time)

Outta curiosity why is Alice Monokuma now


Good enough for me

Also if a war’s gonna break out
Go Team FoL
If the other side is winning I’ll edit this post later

war :thinking:

I mean friendly competition