54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

(I’m sorry, but I have to be impartial and logical)

Heh. You can’t wink while frowning. What does that even mean?


Did you know platypuses are venomous?

Aren’t they all the same?


fear me

I’m invulnerable. I don’t fear you.

plot armor

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You’re back?

i’ll wait until after christmas so until i’ve had this pfp for at least a year

only male platypuses and yeah, we all saw the meme lol


@Ami yo that’s cultist simulator, i’ve played like 1 hr of it but it’s a bit confusing and i dont have time to fully explore the game sadly

is it worth the time invested?

i just like the spooky pfp

prob gonna pick it up when i feel i have enough saved up to warrant a purchase

Cultist simulator is kinda nice, but uh, you wanna use some methods to save your progress… it’s not fun having a roguelike with 30hours playtime per go-through

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pretty sure there’s an auto save at set intervals and you can manual save

only problem is that it freezes my old ass phone for a few seconds every time it does lol

I just got it. But it seems like theres a lot of info I dont have when playing it

yeah, read the “instructions” and the dude who made it are like “the fun is in exploring and finding it out yourself”

like i can see their viewpoint but i dont have 30+ hours to explore on this game rn tbh and i would like a bit of help at least instead of blindly stumbling my way through

I would like to spend 30+ hours stumbling my way out pls give gaem

I watched multiple playthroughs before playing it, but it was kinda very boring then after about 10 hours