54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


if you voice your concerns to them, maybe you guys can find a convenient time where they can drive over to you? or maybe just over a break or something

thanksgiving is coming up soon, maybe then?



Nah I live to far, approximentally 1 hour by train and like 25 by car. 9 people who live in one are and 1 who doesnt. It’s to much, I just cant drink with them. It’s like that blows but something I can live with

alright, fair enough i guess, tho u could ask other friends to see if they can drop you off/pick u up if they happen to be in the area?

least it’s not that bad

Big sad

@Kirefitten When can I open signups to WoW:BfA?

Why are you asking firekitten and not a moderator :thinking:

Firekitten is the game manager for it, but if you have an answer I’d also accept it.

Just because Firekitten reviewed you game doesn’t mean he get to say when it can be hosted :stuck_out_tongue:
Moderators run the queue and since there is only 1 SFM active atm, you may open signups.


When you gave the pronunciation
I-key phallus came to my mind.
I fight for my friends.

I thought it was ee-see-beh-less

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Wild pokemon spotted. Initiating Pokemon bot sequence

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My answer for this is always… “Uhhh its complicated”

Nah man
Simple engrish

Reviewer =/= Hosting Time
Reviewer = Game is Good/Bad
Time = Here, you can put your candies here at this time.

That’s very weird my finger slipped, kyo game is on the top of the game list and any game before it mysterious disappeared

Technically I can put things on the queue

I didn’t remove anything though it was just a joke

Isn’t that icon from Cultist Simulator :thinking:

Yes it is

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Did you ever know, Arete, that I write my ToL Alch logs sometimes on this way… “Guiding” is Healing, “Judging” is Yolo bombing :eyes:


When was I gone?

I don’t like where this is going.