54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yay! A light theme reinforcement has arrived!


I’m claiming to having a grey theme. Now if you excuse me, i’m going for popcorn. :popcorn:

well whatever. I was purifyed by Light Theme’s light, and will now weild it to vanquish the darkness until my parents come back!

I thought u were a villain

But fool likes light theme

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:gun: image

Here, PKR, take this gun!

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Fools love light theme!


Hey, that’s mine!

Holds gun to Litten’s head
Dark theme shall be eliminated…
One way or the other

I mean

Light theme supplies the fool with life

Join us and defeat the light!

*bringing a popcorn

Wait…you mean you’re claiming fool? OMEGAROLL

I claim dark light fool btw

So if anyone shoots me there is no shoots for 2 days!

We are trying to let him join edit

@discobot Are you here, buddy? Things gone wild without you.

Wut happened to him btw

I activate my light spell, E C H O L I G H T
auf’garax nuermucdrex andaros menefu GLIRTMANASK!
All who can read this are obligated by the laws of the internet to dab

I think hes ded

rip disco

dab time then