54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot fortune

Did the light themers kidnap you and forced you to say it?

:crystal_ball: Ask again later

@discobot fortune

That is a yes then?

:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so


At least we don’t kidna…

Oh… nvm then

I do not participate in these kidnappings.
I’m a good wolf

@discobot fortune

Do you like being abused by Litten?

If it’s grey theme

What r the letters?

Damn, you broke @discobot already.


I had to shut him up



Twi, are you a good light themer?

Yes he is…

Should i care as Neutral? lel


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Thx btw disco for letting the dark themers win!

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Nice try~ Light theme always wins

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You accusing him of treason!


Oh noes

I have been exposed!

Fool. It is I, the paragon of the Light Theme himself! Probably~