54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Just the question, are deathimmune people lynchable because it’s nightimmunity, or because lynch bypasses everything…

This is what I mean

Night Immune is Night Immune

Death Immunity is broken look at Vulgard in LoTRFM. I put in classcard that lynch bypasses his death immunity

I mean, lynch bypasses anyways everything by default, that’s the reason of lynch, isn’t it? To kill people who you can’t kill at night

It’s all semantics really, point is specify whether your dayvigs bypass or not @Simon

So being Night Immune means you are death immune at night?

You are immune to death at night.

Personally I would make deathimmunity universal, and only let it bypass by 1. Lynch 2. Strongman
Just clarify if your davigs are strongman or not?

Death immunity is just death immunity. Nothing can bypass it. It’s just like one free ticket.

At least from my experience in games with it.

Strongman can tho

Damnit Priestess, stop deteling my good Classes. You deleted JTW and Hitman

Death immunity is a weird term since by definition it should save from lynch

Bulletproof is the better term


I’m making the second community FM game
I’m currently undecided between Mash/LargeGame

  • Mash (w/ ITAs)
  • Large FM (w/o ITAs)

0 voters

doesnt mash mean large fm

I was looking for a better term to differentiate the two but I got lazy

What does that mean? Classes based on people in this community?

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@Kirefitten just curious why were you asking

I forgot
