54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Because marshmallows are good

and chocolate is good

and trying to hold marshmallows between squares of chocolate is even worse on the messiness front




Every time someone says this
I think about how I’m one of like three people I know that doesn’t like chocolate

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Never ate a smore at well but already eaten tosted marshmallows
we bought marshmallows like two times and would flip them over the oven with a fork

My sister doesn’t like chocolate

we call those people “Heathens”


I know one.

he is also short and a nerd.

I see
Those are fighting words

Have you tried like one of those with 80% cocoa


You’re approaching me?


I drink Cappuccinos with no sugar

Cacao is a pure form of chocolate that comes very close to the raw and natural state in which it is harvested (One Green Planet, n.d.). While the natural nature of cacao would seem to limit its versatility, the product actually comes in several forms

So it’s less bitter?


chocolate is good. it relies on sugar, and sugar is good

i try not to be a fatty so i limit my chocolate intake.

but damn is that stuff good.

But the one person i know who dislikes chocolate is short, a nerd, and actually disabled now that i think about it.

I used to make a full cup, like 250ml of coffee everyday
it fucked me up quite

he’s also my bestie but that isn’t importnat

Maybe it’s because I had terrible experience after terrible experience with chocolate when I was like 4

No, it is more bitter.
Less cocoa = more sugar and pastes and stuff to make it less bitter

ooh what you doing? I didnt have time to get a costume either but I love the outfits others make