54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I want to drown in chocolate

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I was going to do Johnny Joestar
One of my friends has a spare wheelchair

I didn’t start early enough because of SAT prep

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wait do you think normal chocolate is bitter?
it is super sweet

I was gonna do Ike, and then I realized all I have is the sword and none of the rest of the outfit

I’m not afraid of it per se
It’s just that dark chocolate -> stomach acts like wack

chocolate literally means “bitter drink” in some language


I am 100% hateful of dark chocolate.

but white and milk chocolate are good shit

dark chocolate is better than normal chocolate tho
maybe you just ate too much

There’s always next year I guess

it was part of aztec culture
they didn’t have sugar.

its… healthier and that’s the only advantage.

and us americans dont do “healthy”

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I ate three little pieces

I love dark chocolate :’(

I’m south american do I count

Maybe it reacted badly to something you ate before

I guess I do dislike almost everything that’s bitter or spicy

damn I have like no range

I can eat jalapenos by themselves :^)

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Imagine your favorite food being cornbread
I’m fuckin weird

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childs play.

try habeneros.