54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m quite afraid of MU so…


I slanked and replaced out of 5 games there

We can be scared together

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tfw hosting a game and in like 3 games
I don’t feel like I can handle it

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you should all join my game nerds.

I’m probably backing out of MU one


Plz no i need geyde

> be Arete
> intend to spend the night studying for your math midterm
> have your laptop randomly break for no reason

fun fact more important than how much you sleep is a consistent schedule. so it can actually be better to get six hours from 11 pm to 5 am every night than to get like 11 pm to 6 most days and 3 am to 11 am others

So I should stay up late every night because i’m insomnie?
This is a joke

occasionally when my cycle gets all out of wack i pull an all nighter.
because the thing about being super tired all day is that when you finally want to go to bed you just can

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quik-edit of something i wasnt supposed to put here

In the 26969 thread?

okay i didnt ask for your opinion

Others: math is stupid
Me: math can be used to design make and eat a Turduckenailailenailailduckenailailenailail

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A what?

P!catch spinda

P!catch mercenary

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P!catch Litten