54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Great, I’ll sign you up

dont like their site setup so im staying away

It’s okay, everyone is entitled to their own opinions even if there’s is wrong

meh, the way posts are setup is hard to look at and read so i dont use it. i also went to the main website and had no idea where to go so their ui is kinda bonk

Look at what I found!
It’s @Margaret

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Margaret has a stalker confirmed


Perhaps we should warn her over discord

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Today’s (Well technically last night at 11pm) my anniversary on the forums. One year ago I came here for a meme competition and have stayed since, joined my first FM like a month later and have been hooked. Good year yall let’s make it 2 years


there’s a light inside your soul… slowly shrinking in the cold!


I wish there was a giant dump

Where I could deposit all my completely random thoughts

A diary!

@sulit you may open Popcorn Mafia

@Geyde join this with me https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/24308-Doctor-s-Paradise-17er-Sign-ups?p=3617833#post3617833

Does anyone know why I feel extremely tired and drained the past three days despite 8 hours sleep a night?

I saw a persona 5 royal spoiler

and i want to fucking die.

Just die then
Problem solved


it would leave my family in shambles.

Did you join the mu game?


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