54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Anyone here manage the queue? (Moderators?)

if I had access

becomes sauran
extra eye of sauran spawns

Eyes battle for supremacy

well, the eye is a mafia class
so both would be scum aligned

What is the status on the next NFoL?

:eye: vs :eye:

oh fuck

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Or better yet, an :eye: for an :eye:

Haven’t heard solid plans on who’s hosting it

Eyes of Sauron
Mouth of Sauron

We’re relatively close to having a complete face

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once we get nose and ears,
we need exodia of sauron

Someone make the nose and the ears.

How many sauron pieces do we need to make exodia?

We need ears
and the nose

Exodia has 5 pieces, The Right Leg, The Left Leg, The Right Arm, The Left Arm and The head.

Forehead of Sauron


There’s little kids running around and making noise
What do

Nose of Sauron

Mafia Investigative
Sauron’s sniffer.
Sauron’s Will (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a BD aligned player, you may select two players who you will learn the classes of immediately.
Demonic Stench (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, all other killing abilities will fail tonight.

Inhale (Day) - Redirect all day abilities that players use today toward yourself. You will know what abilities were used. - 2 Uses
Exhale (Day) - Shoot out all day abilities that were inhaled the prior cycle. You can target as many players as you want. - Infinite Uses

Sneeze (Night) - Determine someone’s class type based off of their reaction to you sneezing. - Infinite Uses

Goal: Defeat all threats to the Mafia.