54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

this is wonderful

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Literally get everyone we know to change this to their pfp

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Time to change the pfp on the MU account i made like two weeks ago but never used

This brings tears of joy to my eyes

It’s not good enough

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We need more meme power

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I have a plan

Which is

but to stop to rant to myself using this thread as a medium:
last year I got 640 in languages and my expected range for this year is 688 ~ 760
and 716 on humanities and my expected range for this year is 765 ~ 846
so even in the worst result imaginable I can expect as the bare minimum to study in a federal uni from those VERY SMALL states like Amazonas (which is the state of the Amazon Rainforest)

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studying in the amazon rainforest sounds dope and terrifying at the same time ngl

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Shhhh just wait

wait what

this is unfair America isn’t cool like that


All the other countries have special things its unfair let’s riot

it will not be in the amazon rainforest I’m joking

unless I go for biology
THEN it will be dope.

how dare you mess with my emotions like that

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convince me to go bio