54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

like hippo does




sleep !!!


word docs

life saviors


“You were bleed 581 times”

I crave a small set up

that will not get over 1000 posts each day phase

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He was detected as an alt because he is in the same dorm as luxy.

Im 99% sure he isn’t orange’s alt lmao

> fewer than 1000 posts a day phase
> majority of posts are under 500 words

choose 1

They could not access their main account

But yeah alts are banned for…reasons
I don’t think it’s entirely unwarranted, but I certainly don’t enjoy it (alts are really fuckin useful for games)

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This is almost entirely unbeatable

What about it?

day convert without a cooldown that’s also completely bulletproof and can make themselves lynchproof twice

Essentially it snowballs out of control with even less counterplay than city mafia had

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It isn’t a literal Furry Faction. It’s a sub-title, like Doused. You wouldn’t say people who are doused are a part of the Doused Faction

Magnus, don’t make an alt without permission of Eevee/Xblade. It’s literally against the rules.

If I got permission from Eevee I could make a The Thing (~17 alts) game

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And then people could reuse those alts for other games

This gets my gears turning