54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

If it would get approved. Idk about that.

It got approved once.


Im watching the Terry Bogard stream rn from nintendo

and im getting a history lesson on old game systems.

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I have… finally… worked up the energy to change my PFP…

I just have to… walk to my computer…

Change it so that I, a grey amber user, can’t see you.

that would require me to change to grey amber

which is a big no

and I forgot how

oh wait I figured it out



is ehh

i have to take a couple days to work up the energy to change it again though so im stuck here

It looks good :+1:

may i suggest a different temmie?

Go on…

Go on…

i dont have access to it at school b/c filters but when i get home i can post a picture.
trust me tho its a good tem

grey amber is objectively better then black and white, however black is second best

Dark theme is the best and thats objective truth

It’s okay everyone’s entitled to their opinions even if it’s wrong

Its no ok and thats why I am helping you to fix your objectivly wrong opinion

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Grey amber theme has yellow, so it’s the best theme.

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